Jeg fandt et billed af en side i en gammel computermanual i nat. Den dækker noget så innovativt som “System 3125”, og under “Using The System Password Protection” kan man læse følgende:

A responsible person (“Master”) can control the access to the computer by allocating up to three user passwords. The user passwords then allow only authorized persons to use the system. Each password can have up to six characters. The characters you can use for your passwords are limited to those displayed on the password menus. The system does not distinguish between upper- and lower-case letters

Caution Use passwords that are easy to remember. Write your password down and store it in a safe place. Tell a co-worker where it is stored.

If you forget the master password, only a service representative can remove the password. Phone your supplier or service representative for help.

Alt er vist sådan cirka galt i den tekst i forhold til idag. Idag kniber det med at man selv kan huske alle de passwords man bruger rundt omkring, og man må endelig ikke skrive dem ned nogen steder.